Escorta Sex - Cele mai inedite fantezii si experiente le poti trai doar cu mine. Te initiez, remodelez, disciplinez, controlez,teleghidez, te ajut sa iti atingi sau depasesti limitele, te viciez si mai mult, te conduc catre extaz si te fac sclavul placerii.  Am atuuri irezistibile si am acumulat experienta necesara pentru a-ti mentine mentine visele cele mai obraznice treze, dorintele umede si a-ti oferi cele mai bun servicii.  Iti pot oferi de la masaj profesional, feminizare, jocuri, fantezii si fetisuri soft, pana la unele hard/extreme/kinky.  Am multe lenjerii, tocuri, jucarii, peruci si mai ales talent si experienta.  Te pot incornora si pot domina cupluri, impreuna cu un asistent.  Sunt mistress Sanziana, femeia sexy, open minded si cu atitudine, la care revii zilnic, in visele tale si la care ti-ai dori sa poti reveni cat mai des si in realitate.  I am Sanziana, lifestyle dominatrix, professional masseuse, female supremacist, fetishist, psychological seductress, financial therapist, sensory play & torture specialist.  I am a sociable, lovable, jovial, charming, refined woman, who likes freedom, luxury, fun.  I am looking for adventure, passion, interesting and beautiful experiences, open and profitable relationships on both sides, with people compatible with me.  I offer those interested in infant-type relationships, domination sessions, including public or distance, cuckolding, professional, body, scalp, prostate and facial massage, company or various shows. We all fantasize to escape our ordinary lives, and in my line of work, i am  the fantasy. I am the perfect bdsm mistress for you.  I offer you unforgettable pleasure.  - Telefon: 0790546873
Data: 2023/07/10 |
Vizite: 736 |
Comentarii : - 0 [!]
Telefon / Bucuresti

Servicii : Cele mai inedite fantezii si experiente le poti trai doar cu mine. Te initiez, remodelez, disciplinez, controlez,teleghidez, te ajut sa iti atingi sau depasesti limitele, te viciez si mai mult, te conduc catre extaz si te fac sclavul placerii. Am atuuri irezistibile si am acumulat experienta necesara pentru a-ti mentine mentine visele cele mai obraznice treze, dorintele umede si a-ti oferi cele mai bun servicii. Iti pot oferi de la masaj profesional, feminizare, jocuri, fantezii si fetisuri soft, pana la unele hard/extreme/kinky. Am multe lenjerii, tocuri, jucarii, peruci si mai ales talent si experienta. Te pot incornora si pot domina cupluri, impreuna cu un asistent. Sunt mistress Sanziana, femeia sexy, open minded si cu atitudine, la care revii zilnic, in visele tale si la care ti-ai dori sa poti reveni cat mai des si in realitate. I am Sanziana, lifestyle dominatrix, professional masseuse, female supremacist, fetishist, psychological seductress, financial therapist, sensory play & torture specialist. I am a sociable, lovable, jovial, charming, refined woman, who likes freedom, luxury, fun. I am looking for adventure, passion, interesting and beautiful experiences, open and profitable relationships on both sides, with people compatible with me. I offer those interested in infant-type relationships, domination sessions, including public or distance, cuckolding, professional, body, scalp, prostate and facial massage, company or various shows. We all fantasize to escape our ordinary lives, and in my line of work, i am the fantasy. I am the perfect bdsm mistress for you. I offer you unforgettable pleasure. / Telefon Escorta : 0790546873
Nume Sanziana Disponibilitate la mine
Varsta 41 Oras Bucuresti
Greutate 57 Program Contacteaza-ma!
Inaltime 172 cm Zona Contacteaza-ma!